Three students (Haruka Kobayashi, Masaki Koga, Yamato Shinohara) presented at Evolutionary Computation Simposium 2024 (@Shirahama, Wakayama, Japan). -
Co-authored paper received Best Paper Award at IEEE Workshop on Cybersecurity in Generative and Hyper-AI (CyberSciTech 2024). Paper Title:"A PSO-CNN-BiLSTM model for predicting Leaf Area Index", by Wang Dong, Guoyuan Zhou, Jinglue Xu, Joao Eduardo Batista, Jia Guo, Hitoshi Iba. -
Mr. Kazusuke Harada (M2 student) presented at the international conference GECCO2024(The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference). -
Mr. Yossathorn Tianrungroj (Graduate master student) presented at the international conference WCCI2024(The IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence @ Yokohama, Japan). -
Mr. Zhen Liu (Graduate master student) presented at the international conference WCCI2024(The IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence @ Yokohama, Japan). 2024.3.22
Mr. Kazusuke Harada has been awarded the Best Paper Award (@ Department of Electronic and Information Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, The University of Tokyo).2023.12.22-23
Mr. Liu Zhen has been awarded at Evolutionary competition in Evolutionary Computation Simposium 2023 (@Odawara, Japan). Received the "Industrial Application Special Award" in the single-objective category and the "Silver Award" in the multi-objective category.2023.12.22-23
Six students (Yossathorn Tianrungroj, Ruka Mizukami, Liu Zhen, Daiki Daiki, Kurokawa, Ryohei Harada) presented at Evolutionary Computation Simposium 2023 (@Odawara, Japan).2023.10.1-4
Haruka Kobayashi (Master student, 1st year) presented at the international conference SMC2023 (The 2023 IEEE Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics@Hawaii,Honolulu).2023.10
"AI游戏开发和深度学习进阶(機械工業出版社)" has been published by Prof. Hitoshi Iba. This is the Chinese version of his Japanese book "ゲームAIと深層学習, 伊庭斉志(オーム社)".2023.7.12
A paper co-authored by Masayuki Fujita (master course, 1st year) received the Best Paper Award at the international conference AAI2023. Paper Title: Masayuki Fujita and Hitoshi Iba: "CT Reconstruction from X-ray Videos with Conditional GAN Image Translation," 12th Int'l Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics, 2023.-
Jinglue Xu (PhD student, 2nd year) presented at the international conference GECCO2023(The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference). -
Rikitaka Konoyam (Graduate master student) presented at the international conference CEC2023 (IEEE 2023 Congress on Evolutionary Computation @ Chicago). 2023.7.10-13
Four students (Masayuki Fujita, Shunsuke Katayama, Ryu Shin, Takuki Kurokawa) presented at the international conference AAI2023(12th Int'l Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics).2023.3.23
Degree conferment ceremony was held.-
Prof. Iba has started a series of articles on research about artificial life for TechNote (https://technote.ipros.jp/, a BtoB information site for those involved in manufacturing and urban planning). 2022.12.17-18
Four students (Rikitaka Kinoyama, Shunsuke Katayama, Ryu Shin, Takuki Kurokawa) presented at Evolutionary Computation Simposium 2022 (@Sapporo, Japan).2022.12.2
A delegation from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, including Dr. Ahmed Jamil Qattan, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Building and Housing, paid a visit to our laboratory.2022.9.20
Prof. Iba's new book has been published.「Unity シミュレーションで学ぶ人工知能と人工生命-- 創って理解するAI--, 伊庭斉志 + MIT/MindRender開発グループ(オーム社)」2021.7.12
A paper co-authored by Rikitaka Kinoyama (master course, 1st year) received the Best Paper Award at the international conference AAI2021. Paper Title: R. Kinoyama, E. A. M. Perez, and H. Iba: "Preventing Overfitting of LSTMs using Ant Colony Optimization," 10th Int'l Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics, 2021.2018.1.24
Takahiro Horiba (master course, 1st year) received the IEEE Young Researcher Award (IEEE YRA). This is the third consecutive year that our laboratory has received this award.2017.1.24
Feng Ji (master course, 2nd year) received the IEEE Young Researcher Award (IEEE YRA). This is the second consecutive year that our laboratory has received this award.2016.12.5
Prof. Hitoshi Iba received the 25th Okawa Publishing Award from the Okawa Foundation for Information and Telecommunications.【Book title】「進化計算と深層学習―創発する知能―」(オーム社刊)