Access to IBA Laboratory at Hongo campus of the University of Tokyo
The closest stations are:
- Todaimae Station, on the Tokyo Metro Nanboku line;
- Hongo Sanchome Station, on the Tokyo Metro Marunouchi line;
- Hongo Sanchome Station, on the Toei Metro Line;
- Nezu Station, on the Tokyo Metro Chiyoda Line;
For more information, see the map
Where is IBA Laboratory?
IBA Laboratory is located on the 12th floor of Engineering Building number 2; Room 122B1 and 122B2 (for students).
Professor's iba Office is located on the 10th floor of Engineering Building number 2; Room 101D4.
One Frequently Asked Question
I am an International student; I want to study in Japan. From where can I get scholarship related information?
Visit the following websites for scholarship related information:
Welcome to
IBA laboratory, a research laboratory of Genetic and Evolutionary
Computations (GEC) of the
Graduate School of
The University of
Tokyo, Japan.
Information about our book is below.
The research topics of this laboratory include
Genetic Algorithm (GA),
Genetic Programming (GP),
Evolvable Hardware (EH),
Artificial Life (ALife),
Probabilistic Model Building Genetic Algorithm (PMBGA),
3-D Avatar Motions, applications of GEC to Bioinformatics and
Robotics. Some of the on-going researches of IBA Laboratory are:
Biological Applications:
- Extraction of informative genes from gene-expression data
- Inference of Gene Regulatory Network (GRN) using time-series data
- 3-D visualization of a Gene Regulatory Network.
- Object transportation by two Humanoid Robots using cooperative learning
- Multi-agent Robot learning by means of Genetic Programming
- Real-time adaptation technique to real Robots.